Canadian Pentecostals

A history of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

Thomas William Miller


Canadian Pentecostal trace their history from the most significant religious event in the 20th century -- the rediscovery of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the experience of speaking in other tongues. The Pentecostal Movement of this century has taken its name from the happening first described on the Day of Pentecost and recorded in the second chapter of the Book of Acts.
Today, Pentecostals comprise the largest group of Protestants in the world. In less than 100 years, the Pentecostal message has been carried to "the ends of the earth." More than 25 per cent of all the people who call themselves Christian also identify with the Pentecostal Baptism.
This book narrates the beginnings of the movement in Canada. It is a story filled with demonstrations of personal sacrifice and commitment, as well as the dramatic interventions of the Holy Spirit. It also records the reflections, concerns, and aspirations of still another generation who yearn for the repetition of Pentecost.


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